Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Beginning...Sort Of

This part is going to be really quick. Like a movie in fast forward. OK. Here we go.
Hottie and I were married in 1997.
We changed churches in 1999.
I wanted to go on a mission trip to Greece in 2000. I didn't go. The trip was full.
I wanted to go on a mission trip to Greece in 2001. I didn't go. I was pregnant with Punka.
Hottie went on a mission trip to Nicaragua in the summer of 2002. I didn't.
I was really not excited but knew this was what God wanted...for Hottie.
He came back and all was well. Hottie owned a business. It supported our family and we had no huge worries.
The next year (2003) Hottie co-led the trip. There were a few that came back from Nicaragua sick. Parasites. They'll get you every time...if you drink the water or eat the ice made with unpurified water.
In 2004, same thing. Hottie led the trip to Nicaragua. I was pregnant with Goldilocks.
Side note: This particular mission destination was interesting (as are most of them). The team went to Managua. Into the worst parts of the city. The church is situated in the middle of a not quite slum area. Kind like the ghetto. The houses all have cinder block walls around them with broken bottles cemented into the tops or barbed wire attached. Most people don't have cars. Some people have donkeys. Usually these are the people that work as delivery people for lumber stores or sell veggies and fruit in the mornings.
Side note over.
So...Along came 2005. (The not so fast forward part.)
Hottie led the trip to Nicaragua. I had the kids at home. Punka was 3. Goldilocks was 9 months old. Hottie left on a Saturday morning. Goldilocks got sick that night. VBS started on Monday. I was rather extensively involved that particular year. (My ability to over volunteer myself was still an issue.) Monday, after being up with Goldilocks all night, I did VBS and then took my little patient to the Dr's office. Roseolla. Ugghhh! No meds. Just fever reducer and whatever I could do to make him comfortable. Great. Whatever I could do to make him comfortable was to hold him. He couldn't sleep at night unless I held him standing up bouncing and swaying. You parents know what I mean. So, I would sleep for maybe 1-2 hours before he'd wake and I'd bounce and sway the rest of the night. I probably lost weight at this point to. I did VBS in the mornings, tended to my active 3 year old while trying to keep Goldilock's fever down, and tried to get to the few hours I knew I'd be able to sleep. This went on the whole week. I was counting down the days until Hottie came home. And, then, it was the hours. And, then, the minutes. I knew his plane landed in Houston around 6 pm so, when the phone rang at 6:30, we were all excited. Punka answered. Talked for a few minutes and then passed the phone to me.
"Hey, babe!"
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Tired. Ready for you to be home. Goldilocks has been sick all week."
"Oh. Is he ok?"
"Yes. Now!"
"Good." Pause. "I might not make the flight tonight. It'll probably be the red eye in the morning."
I knew his flight didn't leave Houston for another hour and a half. What was he talking about? "Oh. Why? Everyone ok?"
"Yeah. I'm on my way to the hospital in an ambulance right now."
I wondered who broke their leg getting off the plane. Hottie, being the great leader he is (I may be a little biased, but let's go with it for the sake of this story. Ok? Thanks.), was escorting the poor invalid team member to the hospital. He was going to make sure they got great care and they would come home tomorrow.  I cried. I was tired. I wanted to sleep tonight. I didn't want to spend the night bouncing and swaying again.
"What happened?"
"They think I have an unrinary tract infection. The doctor on the plane said it might be appendicitis, but I'm pretty sure it is just an UTI."
"WHAT!? You think they'd take you off the plane and drive you to the hospital for an UTI? I can't believe it!"
"Well, I'm pretty sure that is what it is. Can you meet the team at the airport and get my bags? I'll call you in the morning."
"What hospital are they taking you to? Call me when you get checked in. I want to talk to a nurse. I can't believe you think it is a UTI. If you think it is that then tell the ambulance driver to turn around and take you back to the plane. I'll take you to a doctor here. You have to come home TONIGHT. I can't survive another day without you here. I can't believe this. Seriously?" I know for certain I said the 1st 3 sentences. I'm not so sure about the rest.
"Ok. I'll call you in an hour. I love you."
"I love you, too."
My mind was reeling. Then it stopped. All I could think was, "I need to call Mom and Dad."
I dialed the number. Mom answered.
"Mom........" Crying.
"Chicki?...Chicki?...Chicki talk to me. What's wrong? Mike (my dad) get the keys."
Through tears and snot, "I'm ok."
"No you are not! What is wrong? Is it the kids? Are they ok? Mike, we need to go to Chicki's. Get your shoes on." Why was she telling him all that stuff? He was probably waiting at the door while she looked for her shoes. I wonder if she realizes that she is on the house phone and she will loose reception at the end of the driveway.
"We are ok. It's Hottie. He isn't coming home tonight."
"Why not?"
"He is in an ambulance headed to the hospital in Houston."
"What ever for? Doesn't he have a plan to catch?" I thought the same thing!
"He said he has an UTI, but it might be appenicitis so they are taking him to the hospital to figure it out. He said he would be home tomorrow."
"We are coming over. You and the kids are staying with us tonight. We will be right there."
I called the missions pastor at the church to let him know. I think I got his voice mail. I can't remember. We eventually talked that night though.
Mom and Dad came and helped me pack for a few nights...just in case. We went to their house and Hottie called.
Now, how many of you are surprised?
Really? Do they seriously rush you to the hospital running lights and siren for an UTI?
It was 10:20ish. He said they were doing surgery in the morning and he'd call me when it was over.
Did he think it was like getting a wart removed? Was he thinking he would hang out on the operating table and make small talk with the O.R. staff and he would just pick up a phone when it was over and call me?
I got on the red eye to Houston the next morning. I arrived in his room at 8am (after paying $20 for a taxi). He had the surgery already.
His nurse told me the O.R. nurse that took him into surgery said she was wheeling him down when we were on the phone. I was going to let him know a thing or two when he woke up.
He was surprised to see me.
He said he didn't want me to come.
He didn't want me to see him like that.
Like what?
In the hospital, not feeling well.
Oh my word.
You're killing me!
Whatever. I'm here now!
The operating doctor came in a little while later.
"You did great! We didn't remove any of your colon."
Yum...I didn't go to med school or anything, but I'm thinking that is a good thing since it was his APPENDIX!
After a look of confusion, "I'm not sure how it happened, but your appendix seemed to have ruptured. It was like it was all contained in one space."
"We know how that happened!"
Praise God! He protected Hottie...and his colon!
The doctor gave us the pictures that were taken and it was CRAZY!
We were convinced that God had a huge plan in this and we were excited to share this miracle with everyone!

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